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Support your multigenerational workforce by launching an age-inclusive wellbeing strategy

Access your free guide to learn about the wellbeing needs of each generation and how you can develop a health and wellbeing strategy that supports everyone.  

This report explores each of the five generations that currently form part of a workforce. The change in demographics within the workforce is expected to have a profound effect on the UK labour market over the next 20 years. As an employer, it is essential that you fully appreciate the differences between each of the generations within your workforce, and address their specific wellbeing needs.

Download your free guide to understand:

  • A detailed analysis of each generation in a workforce today 
  • The physical, emotional and financial needs of each generation, along with initiatives to address their wellbeing requirements 
  • Helpful ideas for developing a strategy to ensure you’re supporting the majority of your workforce 

Did you know?

  • The number of UK workers over 50 has reached a record 10 million and they make up over a third of the workforce1
  • The number of workers over the age of 65 is increasing three times faster than the rate of younger workers2
  • Millennial employers are more interested in a good work-life balance, above money and other rewards, when choosing a job3

1 Centre For Ageing Better, Gig Economy: Time To Shift The Spotlight To Older Self-Employed Workers, 2017
2 The Telegraph, ‘Half a million over 65s still working because they enjoy it’, 2016
3 Huffpost, How To Engage And Motivate A Millenial Employee, 2017

Who is Benenden Health?

Benenden Health is a mutual, not-for-profit healthcare provider run for the benefit of over 815,000 members. We've been focused on helping to keep employees healthy since 1905, when we were founded to provide treatment for postal workers suffering from tuberculosis. Since then we’ve been at the forefront of keeping employees fit and healthy at an affordable rate.  

All our business products are designed with simplicity in mind so they’re easy to take out and straightforward to manage. We’ll work with you to develop a bespoke and affordable health and wellbeing package that helps keep your employees healthy and suit your business needs.

Download your guide now by filling in the form below

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